Man of Medan is the first supernatural game in The Dark Pictures. If you like dark themes it's time to explore The Dark Pictures Universe. For those who didn't know, this is a series of standalone horror games. It is the first game in the famous anthology of the dark world.
Each player will be challenged to discover and investigate any story, aware that any choice has consequences. The story begins with five friends who set sail for a dive vacation looking to find a WWII wreck. As the day slowly draws to a close, their journey soon turns into something dangerous. Which of them will survive and who will die? It all depends on the players whose chops will decide whether to save them all.
Many will agree that the game is similar to Until Dawn, where it all comes down to making decisions in dialogues and responding quickly during quick-time events. But unlike Until Dawn, Man of Medan goes a step further thanks to online multiplayer where you can play with another player.
There is also a Movie Night mode in the game where you can play with four other players locally by using the same controller. After the first crossing, the B scenario is unlocked where you view the action from the perspective of others. The transition takes about 3 to 4 hours. Experts will agree that the duration is sufficient to enjoy the game.
The characters are great, and the story offers enough mysticism that you can fully explore so that no unknowns remain. There is also a Curator in the game, whom you can ask for an explanation of the story at any time. Although it will not explain everything in detail, it will give you some guidelines that you will surely understand later.
The story is quite complex which means it can end in several ways. Halfway through, you can run out of characters. This game will keep you engaged all the time and punish if you decide to relax a little.
The game is meant to be a horror story, but the fact is you might be scared two or three times. This doesn't mean that there is not enough mystery, but the moments when you should be scared don't last long and there are not many of them. The conclusion is that this is a game that will scare you not enough, but you'll have a good time.